Monday 11 February 2013

Start a Flying Club

Start A Flying Club, brought to you by Ground Effect Advisors, is dedicated to the creation and evolution of flying clubs. Combining passion for flight with extensive flying club experience, our executive team is committed to sharing insight, answering questions and most exciting of all, helping grow the general aviation community.

Let us be your copilot as we share our flying club perspectives in the Blog, or tune the frequency to our Contact the Tower section for roundtable responses to flying club related questions submitted to us. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Addressing our namesake, we are excited to assist in the development of the next great flying club – find out how this could be your club here!

Flying Club Scholarship

The first of its kind, we are offering a scholarship to start a flying club. Our innovative approach to building a sustainable community to benefit general aviation.Learn More & Apply!

Contact the Tower

Contact the Tower is a new series on Start A Flying Club where our experts answer your questions and share an audio file of our roundtable discussion on the topic.Listen Now


Check out the Start A Flying Club Blog for news and updates from Ground Effect Advisors. Learn more about creating a successful flying club. Read now!

Latest From The Blog

Selecting the Right Aircraft for Flying Clubs

    February 5th, 2013

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Aviation Scholarships: A New Twist

    January 31st, 2013

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Club Fly with Me

    January 27th, 2013

This is what you happens when you mix flying clubs and friendship! 44 pilots a

Hangar Talk

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