Friday 1 February 2013

No. 1 in the World AutoGyro ?

17.01.2013 15:45 Uhr : New AutoGyro partner gets registration!

We have a new sales partner in Slovenia, who starts directly with a great success. Without taking detours, he already received the official registration for the Calidus in Slovenia and promised that the MTOsport will follow soon. We are very happy about this very dedicated and successful new member in our global AutoGyro family and give Boštjan and his team a warm welcome! From now on, you will find all contact data of AutoGyro Slovenia in the list of our sales partners and will be able to reach them there. We are looking forward to our nice future projects in Slovenia!   

16.01.2013 12:57 Uhr : Gyros permitted in Belgium

As our French partner Stéphane Kübler informs, the regulations for gyroplanes in Belgium will change. Where it wasn’t even permitted to fly across Belgium in former times, the authorities have now loosend the limitations and have officially allowed flying as well as landing inside the country. About 20 gyro pilots, most of them flying with a french registration, have met in Brussels last weekend and teamed up for heading the authorities. Their goal is deciding about the possibilities and neccessities of how to officially register gyroplanes in Belgium, offering training and enable the pilots   

14.01.2013 11:21 Uhr : Fire Fighter Gyro in Costa Rica

Last year, we reported about our partner in Costa Rica having had the most important flight guest of his life: The President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, chaught attention of the gyro, which was parked on the same airfield as her own aircraft. Without hesitating, she detached from her group of security and crew and approached Guido Scheidt and his MTOsport. This lady is really not making any compromise and got in the gyroplane just a couple of minutes later, in order to experience its possibilities herself during a test flight. Today it is decided: the President of Costa Rica is going to  

10.01.2013 10:09 Uhr : Flight to Greenland

Our Danish partner Mikkel Palmbo has chosen an especcially beautiful landscape for his gyro tour. He flew to Greenland and was able to enjoy the impressing scenery and nature from up above. For us, he made a video giving us the possibility to fly with him for a while and telling us about his experience with the Calidus. Have fun watching it!      

09.01.2013 11:56 Uhr : AutoGyro OnlineShop

It is available at any time, clearly arranged and perfectly sorted – the new AutoGyro OnlineShop is now active! On you may find all spare parts and products which are available for you for and of our gyroplanes. Illustrated and catogorized, all goods can be shopped easily and comfortable at any day or night time and you can always keep the perfect overiew over your orders. Click on and get registered, in order to experience the uncomplicated way of ordering spare parts. Any spare part orders according to your individual maintenance works for your gyros, as   

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