Sunday, 17 February 2013

GA Airframe Manufacturers Embrace Fly-By-Wire

GA Airframe Manufacturers Embrace Fly-By-Wire

By By Fred George
Source: Business & Commercial Aviation
February 01, 2013
Credit: Photo Credit: Dassault Falcon Jet Corp.
By Fred George
Digital electronic flight control systems, commonly known as fly-by-wire (FBW) flight controls, increasingly are being used aboard business aircraft because they reduce pilot workload, increase safety margins, and prevent structural and aerodynamic limits from being inadvertently exceeded. Most airframers also include many other proprietary high-level functions and features in their FBW controls to make the aircraft easier to handle during abnormal or emergency conditions and thereby gain an advantage over other manufacturers.
In addition to the foregoing, “Fly-by-wire offers redundancy above and beyond what’s necessary for certification. It’s a standout in that respect,” says Glenn Zwicker, chief engineer at Parker Aerospace, a leading provider of digital flight control hardware and software.
Airworthiness certification authorities typically require a one in 10 million probability of a catastrophic failure of a hydromechanical flight control system. FBW systems, in contrast, must meet a one in one billion probability of failure. Parker, among other leading FBW manufacturers, targets one in 10 billion probability of failure, notes Zwicker.
“This allows margin for common cause [catastrophic damage] associated with rotor burst or tire failure, along with bird strike or bomb blast. We design in multiple paths and multiple actuators to isolate local damage,” he says.
FBW control systems have no mechanical connections between the cockpit controls and the flight control actuators. Instead, as the name implies, FBW systems have electrical links between the cockpit flight controls and the power control actuators attached to the flight control surfaces. The cockpit hand and foot controls have force and/or motion sensors that measure pilot inputs. The inputs are transmitted as electrical signals to the FBW system computers. Those boxes then send electrical signals to command the movement of the power control actuators that move the control surfaces.
In the most basic FBW Direct Law mode, control inputs by the flight crew result in direct and proportionate movement of the flight control surfaces. The only FBW components required are the electrical cockpit control position or force transducers, actuator control units and the electrohydraulic or all-electric power control actuators attached to the flight control surfaces. There also is a feedback loop that senses when the desired control surface deflection has been attained to tell the system when to stop commanding more movement.
Direct Law, along with other FBW modes, also requires uninterruptable electrical and hydraulic power supplies as there are no backup mechanical links between the cockpit controls and flight control surfaces or power control actuators. If all electrical and hydraulic power is lost, the aircraft will not respond to stick, yoke or rudder pedal inputs.
Direct Law doesn’t provide any of the higher level FBW functions that distinguish digital flight controls from conventional hydromechanical-powered flight controls. As with conventional flight controls, it’s up to the flight crews to avoid inadvertent stall, or over-speed, over-control and over-stress of the aircraft.
Higher level FBW functions, commonly known as Normal Law or Alternate Law functions, require a second set of computers that are capable of using inputs from several sensors, such as angle-of-attack (AOA), flap/slat and landing gear position sensors, air data and IRS/AHRS, weight-on-wheels and perhaps also radio altitude, as well as cockpit controls. The computers then shape, smooth and calculate the best aircraft behavior in response to pilot inputs, speed and configuration changes and autopilot commands, as well as other factors. The higher level law computers team with the actuator control units to determine optimum flight control response.
However, the term “optimum” is subject to a wide variety of interpretations depending upon the FBW flight control design philosophies of each aircraft manufacturer. Some high-level FBW functions, however, are common to virtually all civil aircraft and include yaw, spiral, static and dynamic pitch stability augmentation to reduce pilot workload. Most FBW systems also have soft or hard limiting for maximum AOA, Vmo/Mmo over-speed and over-stress.
“Once you have the algorithms, it’s not difficult for the control laws to accomplish such functions,” says David McLaughlin, Parker Aerospace’s chief engineer for systems.
As noted, airframe manufacturers each add their own high-level FBW functions in order to differentiate their digital flight control systems from their competitors’ designs.
Dassault Aviation’s Falcon 7X, certified in 2007, is the first business aircraft to be fitted with digital electronic flight controls. Dassault borrowed liberally from the suite of military FBW technologies that it developed in the mid-1980s for its longitudinally unstable, highly maneuverable, Mach 2 Rafale fighter. It’s a vintage design that has multiple components and several redundancies.
Dassault engineers believe that their extensive experience in developing military digital flight control systems gives them FBW design expertise not available to other business jet makers. Rafale’s handling qualities, for example, are optimized for “carefree handling” and protection from overstress and loss of control.
Rafale’s “gamma dot” FBW pitch function maintains the aircraft’s velocity vector or flight path in a desired direction after the stick is released. The aircraft will hold flight path while compensating for changes in airspeed, c.g. and landing gear and high-lift configuration, among other variables. Envelope protection prevents the aircraft from stalling if AOA limits are exceeded, or from spinning in the event of excessive sideslip. It also guards against overstress if the pilot commands a higher g maneuver than the airframe can safely withstand. Many of the Rafale’s FBW design features are carried over into the Falcon 7X.
In a move similar to Rafale’s design, Dassault elected to fit the Falcon 7X with outboard sidesticks instead of control wheel yokes for pitch and roll command inputs. The sidestick configuration saves room in the cockpit. However, the controls are not mechanically interconnected and thus there is no motion cuing or tactile feedback between the two sides. To compensate, the sidesticks vibrate a warning signal if both pilots are attempting to control the aircraft at the same time. No such stick input conflict cuing is built into two-seat versions of the Rafale, but rather it sums the sidestick control inputs from both cockpits. The Falcon 7X and Rafale retain mechanically interconnected rudder pedals.
Adapting the Rafale’s FBW functionality for the Falcon 7X wasn’t much of a challenge for Dassault’s engineers, for unlike its fighter sibling, the 7X is inherently stable and designed to be flown at subsonic speeds. FBW designers determined that the trijet’s digital flight control system only needed a 50-millisecond response time, but they elected to retain the 12.5-millisecond response built into the Rafale’s computers to assure there would be no detectable latency in the system. They also fitted the Falcon 7X with smaller, lower power, lighter weight control surface actuators than those on the Rafale because of the former’s executive transport mission.
Similar to the Rafale, the Falcon 7X’s digital flight control system maintains aircraft flight path with speed and configuration changes; it automatically trims the aircraft to neutralize primary control surface forces and provides stability augmentation. It also has low-speed and overstress flight envelope protection, plus it adds a high-speed envelope protection function not needed in a Mach 2 aircraft. Dassault designed the 7X for Mach 0.97 and 430 KIAS demonstrated dive speeds, but the FBW system limits the aircraft to Mach 0.94 and 405 KIAS.
The Rafale’s FBW imposes no pitch angle limits, but the Falcon 7X’s digital flight control system doesn’t allow nose attitude to exceed 35 deg. nose up or 28 deg. nose down at speeds above 250 KIAS. Nose-up and nose-down pitch limits are reduced at slower speeds.
The Falcon 7X uses a radio altitude input to determine when to make the transition between ground and air modes. Above 50-ft. radio altitude, the aircraft will automatically trim the horizontal stabilizer to maintain flight path when the sidestick is released, assuming it is within the lower and upper speed limits. Below that radio altitude, auto trim is inhibited. At touchdown on landing, a weight-on-main-wheels command signals the horizontal stabilizer to start moving toward the pitch-down position. This causes a natural feeling, derotation of pitch attitude when the stick is released, helping the aircraft to transition to a three-point attitude with weight on the main and nosewheels.
The Falcon 7X has no hard bank angle limits, but the FBW system provides artificial spiral stability that automatically levels the wings if the stick is released and bank angle is less than 6 deg. The aircraft will hold bank angle if the stick is released at angles of 6 deg. to 35 deg. When the stick is released at bank angles greater than 35 deg., the aircraft automatically will roll back to 35 deg. Roll stability augmentation also prevents the aircraft from rolling off due to wing fuel imbalance or partial flight control system degradation.
Dassault installed three, single-channel digital computers plus a dual-channel analog computer aboard the Rafale to provide the required redundancy for such critical flight control functionality. The computers vote on control surface commands, so one or even two errant computers can be disqualified and excluded by the remaining computers.
If the Rafale FBW system has belt-and-suspenders redundancy, the 7X has belt-suspenders-braces-hooks-and-loops redundancy. This assures that it is controllable under all foreseeable abnormal or damaged conditions. It has three full-function, dual-channel main flight control computers (MFCCs) and three limited-function, single-channel secondary flight control computers (SFCCs). The MFCCs are capable of high-level normal, alternate (or degraded high level) and Direct Law modes while the SFCCs only can function in Direct Law modes.
Only one of those six computers is needed to fly the aircraft. All six send flight control-position commands to four actuator control and monitoring units (ACMUs) that essentially are FBW command signal quality assurance inspectors.
The ACMUs monitor the control surface commands coming from the main and secondary flight control computers. In the event of a disagreement between any of the MFCCs or SFCCs, the ACMUs can isolate and exclude that computer from the system. The design assures the system has the required 10-9 probability of failure.
But Dassault also installed a backup analog computer that provides an alternate means of pitch and roll control. The extra computer thus provides 10-10 redundancy similar to Parker Aerospace’s current systems.
The $20 million super-midsize Legacy 500 and $16 million Legacy 450 are the least expensive business aircraft yet to be fitted with full three-axis, digital FBW flight controls. Embraer chose FBW to reduce pilot workload, improve passenger ride comfort, enhance airport performance and save weight.
Similar to the Falcon 7X, the Legacy 450 and 500 have sidestick controllers that are not mechanically interconnected. Similar to the Rafale, the sidestick inputs are summed. The rudder pedals, however, are mechanically interconnected.
The Legacy 450 and 500, similar to the Falcon 7X and Rafale, have “gamma dot” flight path stability, a control function that maintains aircraft trajectory with speed and configuration changes so long as the aircraft remains within low- and high-speed flight envelope limits. Pitch trim is automatic.
The high-level control laws have both ground and air modes, but the transition doesn’t use radio altitude. For instance, upon landing, the FBW system makes the transition from gamma dot flight path stability to speed stability after the landing gear and flaps are extended. Changes in speed cause nose-up or nose-down pitch changes. A trim reset button on the sidestick enables the flight crew to immediately retrim the aircraft for a new trim reference speed, thereby relieving the need to hold nose-up or nose-down sidestick pressure.
Embraer also included a heading and roll thrust asymmetry compensation control law that takes most of the work out of handling an engine-out emergency. The FBW system, though, retains enough sideslip to provide the crew with an unmistakable indication of which engine has failed. A flight director cue tells the pilots how much sideslip to add in the direction of the operative engine to optimize one-engine-inoperative climb performance.
Rather than taking Dassault’s approach of developing the entire FBW system for its business aircraft in-house, Embraer subcontracted with Parker Aerospace and BAE Systems to save time and cost. Parker’s and BAE Systems’ hardware architecture for the Legacy 450 and 500 is much simpler than that of the Falcon 7X, but it delivers virtually identical benefits and system reliability.
The Legacy 450 and 500 have two, dual-channel, primary flight control computers furnished by BAE Systems that host high-level control law functions, such as stability augmentation, high- and low-speed envelope limiting and overstress protection. This is one of the latest quadruplex designs that uses four dissimilar channels, each one of which is capable of controlling the aircraft through all flight control surface actuators in all three axes.
The PFCCs send commands to three, multiple channel remote electronics units (REUs), also known as actuator control electronics (ACEs) boxes in other civil aviation sectors. The REUs, also supplied by Parker, only are capable of Direct Law flight control surface actuation solely in response to cockpit control inputs. The design architecture is similar to that on the Boeing 787, except that the jetliner has triple PFCCs and quad-redundant ACEs.
The PFCCs combine pilot control inputs from the REUs with inputs from various sensors, such as AOA, speed, configuration and vertical acceleration, among others, to calculate the appropriate flight control actuator commands based upon higher level Normal control laws. The PFCCs send back the Normal Law control response to the triple REUs that then command the movement of the flight control actuators.
Parker also furnishes most of the FBW software, along with the flight control surface actuators and other hardware, used aboard the aircraft.
Embraer’s high-level Normal Law functions include both soft- and hard-limit protection. Within the normal flight envelope, there are +30-deg. /-15-deg. soft pitch and 33-deg. roll limits, along with 1.1 Vs minimum speed and Vmo limits, that can be overridden by maintaining lateral or longitudinal sidestick pressure. Beyond these soft limits, there are hard vertical acceleration, sideslip, maximum AOA and high-speed limits that cannot be overridden. There are no hard pitch or roll angle limits.
Embraer engineers believe the hard maximum AOA limits enable the designers to take advantage of lower takeoff and landing V speeds to improve airport performance. For users, this translates into a payload increase of up to 900 lb. when operating off of short runways, Embraer officials assert. AOA limit also enables flight crews to extract maximum performance from the aircraft during wind-shear escape or controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) avoidance maneuvers.
Engineers in Savannah took a different FBW design approach than other business jet manufacturers, assuring that the G650 has high redundancy with the minimum number of components. Two dual-channel primary flight control computers (FCCs) are supplied by Thales. The FCCs host the high-level control laws. Each has two computing and two monitoring cards, eliminating the need for stand-alone monitoring computers.
Similar to Embraer’s layout for the Legacy 450/500, the G650′s dual primary flight control computers provide four dissimilar flight control command channels, any one of which can control all flight control surface actuators.
Unlike Dassault’s and Embraer’s FBW designs, Gulfstream elected to fit the aircraft with individual remote electronics units boxes, or ACEs, integrally mounted with each of the flight control surface actuators. The 16 hybrid REU/electrohydraulic system actuators (EHSAs) are also made by Parker.
The basic FBW design meets the 10-9 probability of failure required for certification, but Gulfstream wanted an additional level of redundancy to provide 10-10 probability of failure. So, the G650 has a fully autonomous, three-axis backup flight control system (BFCS) computer made by Thales that complements the dual primary flight control computers. It sends its commands to one of two REUs that signal the movement of the flight control surface actuators on the left and right ailerons, left and right outboard spoilers, left and right elevators and the rudder.
The G650 only has two hydraulic systems, rather than the three required for most FBW flight control systems. To meet the triplex power requirement, Gulfstream and Parker Aerospace teamed to create the aviation industry’s first dual-mode flight control actuators.
These components are known as electric backup hydrostatic actuators, EBHAs for short. They function as conventional EHSAs if hydraulic power is available. However, in the event of hydraulic system failure, the actuators revert to a backup mode that uses tiny electrically powered hydraulic pumps mounted on the actuators. The actuator electric pumps generate the fluid power required to move the control surface. The design eliminates the need for a full-time, electrically powered third hydraulic system, thereby saving considerable system weight.
In the event of failure of both primary flight control computers and both hydraulic systems, the backup flight control unit sends commands directly to the EBHAs.
And if both engine-driven generators were to fail, the G650′s 15 KVA ram air turbine (RAT) can be extended to generate emergency electrical power to supply the FBW system. Below 180 KIAS, 24 VDC emergency batteries take over from the RAT to assure an uninterruptable power supply to all electrical components in the FBW system.
Following Boeing’s lead on the 777 and 787, Gulfstream elected to retain a conventional control yoke wheel for the G650 instead of fitting the aircraft with sidestick controllers. The yokes add weight, cost and complexity, but they are mechanically interconnected so that the pilot not flying can see and feel the pilot flying’s control inputs. Gulfstream and Boeing engineers assert that the design promotes crew situational awareness and enhances crew resource management.
The G650′s high-level Normal Laws, hosted by the dual primary flight control computers, are quite similar to those of the Boeing 787. The basic pitch law is similar to the 787′s C*U design. C* means that fore/aft yoke movement commands pitch rate by means of a simple Direct Law mode on the ground and vertical acceleration, or g rate, in the air using several inputs to the FCCs. U means that the aircraft is speed stable, so the pilot must trim nose up or down with speed change.
Three-axis stability augmentation makes the aircraft easy to fly because it compensates for trim changes caused by control surface or landing gear extension or retraction. Similar to the 787, the G650′s FBW system has a maneuver load alleviation function that progressively deflects the ailerons and outboard spoilers at 1.5 g’s and above to reduce the lift produced by the outboard wing sections and thus the wing bending moment. Other high-level control functions include automatic retraction of the speed brakes under certain conditions, dynamic rudder travel limiting to prevent overstress of the vertical fin, and elevator split limiting to prevent overstress of the empennage.
Similar to Boeing and Embraer FBW designs, the G650 has no hard limits on pitch or roll angles. However, the system does have hard limit maximum AOA and high-speed flight envelope protections in the Normal Law mode.
If air data or IRS information is insufficient or not available, the FCCs revert to Alternate Law mode. The autopilot becomes inoperative and flight envelope protections are degraded. If all four channels of the primary FCCs are unavailable, the FBW system reverts to Direct Law mode in which the control surfaces respond directly and proportionately to cockpit flight control inputs.
Bombardier has announced that its two new ultra-long-range, high-speed business jets, the Global 7000 and Global 8000, will be fitted with FBW controls. Many components will be supplied by Parker Aerospace.
Many other general aviation manufacturers are likely to follow. Most early adopters will fit FBW controls to aircraft that otherwise would require conventional powered flight control surface actuators. But future light and medium business aircraft may feature some form of FBW because maneuver load alleviation and flight envelope protection may enable engineers to reduce structural weight, thereby improving fuel efficiency and increasing tanks-full payload.
Plainly put, FBW aircraft are easier to fly than aircraft with conventional flight controls. Optimum stability and control response characteristics can be written into the high-level primary flight control computer software codes, transforming a marginally stable, but aerodynamically superior airplane into the most docile handling ship in the air. Flight envelope protections enable pilots to fly the aircraft closer to stall and high-speed margins so that they can safely, consistently and confidently extract more performance out of the aircraft when needed.
But potential aircraft design and development cost reduction is the main incentive for airframe manufacturers. Future designs can be lighter weight, more aerodynamically efficient and even longer lasting because of FBW’s stability augmentation, maneuver load alleviation and flight envelope protection capabilities. Flight test development programs should be shorter because FBW software will assure that aircraft consistently meet stability and control standards set by airworthiness certification authorities. Any shortcomings on the path to certification will be corrected by rewriting code in a few hours rather than having to paste on new aerodynamic bandages such as vortex generators, stall strips and wing fences.
In a few of decades, fly-by-wire on new turbine aircraft could become as common as throttle-by-wire, steer-by-wire and brake-by-wire on current aircraft. That development could make new models so much more efficient, as well as easier to fly than older models, that fleet replacement might accelerate at an unprecedented pace. BCA

Hawker 800 a great Aircraft that may be lost as part of the Beechcraft Bankruptcy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hawker 800

DesiRaytheon Hawker 800XP of NetJets Europe

Role Mid-size business jet

Manufacturer Hawker Beechcraft (since 2007)

Raytheon (1993-2007)

British Aerospace (1977-1993)

First flight 26 June 1983

Status Active In production

Primary users Japan Air Self-Defense Force

Republic of Korea Air Force

Brazilian Air Force

Produced 1983-Present

Number built 650

Developed from British Aerospace BAe 125

The Hawker 800 is a mid-size twin-engine corporate aircraft. It is a development of the British Aerospace BAe 125, and is currently assembled by Hawker Beechcraft.

In April 1981, the British Aerospace Board sanctioned the programme to improve the BAe 125-700 series. By May 1983  the new aircraft was ready for its first test flight.


The 800 series has a number of modifications and changes over the 700, the most noticeable being the redesigned cockpit windscreen. Accompanying this are a modified rear fuselage fairing, as well as a glass cockpit and uprated (from 3,700 to 4,300 lb) Garrett TFE731-5R-1H engines. British Aerospace also improved the wing by incorporating new outer wing sections. This helped to reduce drag and improve aerodynamic efficiency.

The 800 series would become a sales success. From the first BAe 125 flight in August 1961 it took nineteen years until the 500th airframe was sold. In a little over five years British Aerospace were registering the 200th sale of the 800 series.

In 1994 Beech Aircraft (which was also controlled by Raytheon) merged with Raytheon Corporate Jets to form Raytheon Aircraft. In March 2007, Raytheon Aircraft Company was sold to Hawker Beechcraft Corp., a company formed and controlled by GS Capital Partners (an affiliate of Goldman Sachs) and Onex Partners of Canada.

The current version is identified as the Hawker 850XP and was certified for operation in March 2006. The 850XP is identical to the 800XP except that it includes winglets, which have extended its operating range by 100 nautical miles (190 km). This version also incorporates upgraded avionics and a redesigned interior. The Hawker 850XP essentially fills the gap left behind by the Hawker 1000 when production of that aircraft ceased.

Two new variants were announced in October 2006 for future deliveries:[1]

The Hawker 750, in which the ventral fuel tank is replaced by an externally-accessed baggage pannier, which reduces range slightly.

The Hawker 900XP, using new Honeywell TFE731-50BR engines for increased rangegn

VariantsRaytheon Hawker 800A

The Hawker 800 is similar to most modern airframes in requiring sub-assemblies to be constructed away from the final point of manufacture. The fuselage sections, wings and control surfaces are manufactured and assembled in the United Kingdom in a combination of Hawker Beechcraft’s own facility and those owned by Airbus UK, which inherited much of BAE Systems‘s civil aircraft manufacturing capacity. These sections are partially fitted out and installed with control surfacing and major systems before being shipped to Hawker Beechcraft’s main manufacturing site in Wichita, Kansas for final assembly, fitting out and testing.

Military variants

A military version of the Hawker 800 is in use by South Korea for tactical reconnaissance, surveillance and SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence) tasks, and 8 specially-equipped aircraft were delivered in 2000. TheRepublic of Korea Air Force calls them RC-800s, and they are based at Seongnam.[2]

Japan uses a maritime search and rescue variant of the Hawker 800. It is designated U-125A in Japan Air Self-Defense Force service. This variant has large observation windows, a flare and marker-buoy dispenser system, life-raft and emergency equipment dropping system and enhanced salt water corrosion prevention. The aircraft also has a Toshiba 360-degree search radar, melco thermal imaging equipment and other military communications equipment for its mission.[3]

A Hawker 850XP takes off

A Hawker 800SP
  • Hawker 750
  • Hawker 800
  • Hawker 800XP
  • Hawker 800XPi
  • Hawker 850XP
  • Hawker 900XP
  • U-125
  • RC-800


Civil operators

The aircraft is operated by private individuals, companies and executive charter operators, and in fractional ownership programs.]Military operators

  • U-125A(Japan Air Self-Defense Force)
  •  Japan
  • Japan Air Self-Defense Force
  •  Republic of Korea
  • Republic of Korea Air Force: First delivery in 2001
  •  Brazil
  • Brazilian Air Force
  •  Pakistan
  • Pakistan Air Force
  • Pakistan Naval Air Arm
  • Notable accidents and incidents

  • A Hawker 800 crashed on July 31, 2008, while preparing to land at the regional airport in Owatonna, Minnesota. The crash killed eight people, including casino and construction executives.[4]
  • A Hawker 850XP crashed on February 4, 2011, while taking off at the regional airport in Sulaimaniyah, Iraq. The crash killed seven people, including VIP working for QTEL/Asiacell.[5]
  • A Hawker 800XP which has not released the nose landing gear made an emergency landing on February 11, 2011 on Vnukovo airport in Russia. The plane sat on the “belly”, without any injuries.[6]
  • Specifications (Hawker 850XP)

  • General characteristics
  • Crew: 2 pilots
  • Capacity: 8 passengers typical, 13 maximum
  • Length: 51 ft 2 in (15.6 m)
  • Wingspan: 54 ft 4 in (16.5 m)
  • Height: 18 ft 1 in (5.5 m)
  • Empty weight: 15,670 lb (7,108 kg)
  • Max. takeoff weight: 28,000 lb (12,701 kg)
  • Powerplant: 2 × Honeywell TFE731-5BR turbofan, 4660 lbf (20,700 N) each
  • Performance
  • Maximum speed: 448 kts (514 mph) 830 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 402 kts (463 mph) 745 km/h
  • Range: 2,642 nm (4,893 km)
  • Service ceiling: 41,000 ft (12,497 m)
  • Related development
  • BAe 125/Hawker 1000
  • Aircraft of comparable role, configuration and era
  • Cessna Citation Sovereign
  • Dassault Falcon 20
  • Gulfstream G100
  • Learjet 60
  • Related lists
  • List of civil aircraft
  • References

  • ^ “2006 BIZAV REVIEW”. Retrieved 2008-07-31.
  • ^ “South Korea Spends $200M on RC-800 Fleet Maintenance & Ground Stations”. Retrieved 2008-07-31.
  • ^ “U-125 Peace Krypton”. Federation of American Scientists. Retrieved 2008-07-31.
  • ^ “Small jet crashes in Minn.; 8 killed include execs”. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
  • ^ “Small jet crashes in Minn.; 7 killed include execs”. Retrieved 2011-02-04.
  • ^
  • Gunston, Bill. Hawker: The story of the 125. (Airworthy Publications International Limited, 1996, ISBN 0-9528845-0-X)
  • External links

  • Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Hawker 800
  • Hawker Official product page
  • Farnborough 2012 Day 3 News Aviation Week pp52-53 tells the history of the 125/800
  • Hawker 800XP Jet specifications and performance data
  • For a complete list of Hawker 125 variants

The Eclipse Jet Experience Tour


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The second hour of the Eclipse Jet Experience consists of 45-50 minutes of flight time in the aircraft. While flying the Eclipse Jet, you will sit in the pilot’s seat and acquire a foundational understanding of the aircraft from a qualified Eclipse instructor pilot.
The cost for the Eclipse Jet Experience is $750 per flight (up to 3 people). This cost will be deducted from your aircraft purchase price. Find the city nearest you and schedule your Experience flight today. If you cannot make it during the times listed below,
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02.13.13 – 02.14.13

Charlotte, NC


Raleigh, NC

02.17.13 – 02.18.13

Reno, NV

02.19.13 – 02.21.13

Salt Lake City, UT

02.22.13 – 02.23.13

Scottsdale, AZ

  • Airport: Scottsdale Municipal Airport
  • Static and Demos launched from LANDMARK AVIATION see on map
  • Demo flights will be available: Fri 02.22 thru Sat 02.23 from 7am-5:30pm
  • Aircraft will be on static display: By Appointment
  • Register for the Eclipse Jet Experience

Port Orange, FL


Daytona Beach, FL

02.24.13 – 02.26.13

Las Vegas, NV

02.27.13 – 03.01.13

Long Beach, CA


Charleston, SC


Kinston, NC


Raleigh, NC


Winston-Salem, NC


Concord, NC


Roanoke, VA

03.22.13 – 03.24.13

St. Louis, MO


Richmond, VA


Manassas, VA


Norfolk, VA

06.05.13 – 06.07.13

White Plains, NY

07.10.13 – 07.12.13

Denver, CO

09.11.13 – 09.13.13

Chicago/Waukegan, IL

Monday, 11 February 2013

Sherpa strikes China deal for certification

sherpaCompany owner Glen Gordon is realizing his dream of certifying the Sherpa 650T.
Perhaps you’ve seen it—a Piper Cub lookalike so big you have to use the landing gear as a ladder to reach the cockpit. After 25 years of research and development, hopes, and false starts, designer, and partner Byron Root and sherpa company owner Glen Gordon are finally realizing their dream. Funding from a Chinese investor will support 24 months of certification for the eight-place Sherpa K650T powered by an 890-shaft-horsepower Garrett 331-5 engine, and the six-place 160-mile-per-hour Sherpa K500 powered by a 400-horsepower IO-720 Lycoming engine.
One of the $1.3 million 650T models will be delivered in six weeks to a customer, but it will be in the Experimental category. A second 650T airframe for the tube-and-fabric aircraft is complete, and will join another 650T model for certification trials. The secret to the new models, both the $475,000 model 500 and 650T, is an all-new wing. It is fatter than the original wing placed on the Sherpa demonstrator—now fitted with floats—20 years ago, and longer (44-plus feet) but faster and has 10 gas tanks. You could also make the case that it is slower, too.
sherpaThe new wings are fatter and longer than the original demonstrator, and contain 10 gas tanks.
“Sleek good-looking wings that are so beautiful aren’t necessarily the fastest,” Gordon said.
“How slow is slow and how fast is fast? When we’re landing at 35 miles an hour, one of our problems is going to be that pilots are not used to landing so slow. They’ll have a hard time believing the airplane is still flying. We’re going to have a placard in the plane that says, ‘If you are landing at more than 40 miles an hour, you are still flying.’”
In China, a joint venture called Ying-Kou Sherpa has been formed as of Jan. 4, 2013. The company will manufacture the aircraft for customers in China. Aircraft sold in the United States will be built at the existing factory in a large hangar at Scappoose, Ore. Another group is interested in building the aircraft in Florida for military use.
Gordon and Root have waited a long time for this moment. Gordon, now 80, will continue to oversee operations in the United States. Root lost his eyesight a few years ago but not his vision for the big bushplane. Over the years numerous people have urged him to certify the airplane. “We’re taking care of that,” Gordon said.
sherpaFunding from a Chinese investor will support 24 months of certification for the eight-place Sherpa K650T, seen here, and the six-place Sherpa K500.

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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Boeing Grows Composite Manufacturing Capability in Utah

WEST JORDAN, Utah, Jan. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – Boeing (NYSE: BA) today announced the purchase of a new building in Salt Lake County, Utah. Employees at the new site, located in West Jordan, will focus on fabrication of composite horizontal stabilizer components for the 787-9 Dreamliner.
“The site we’ve chosen is an ideal location to add composite manufacturing capability focused on Boeing’s key business strategies,” said Ross R. Bogue, vice president and general manager of Boeing Fabrication. “This new facility will provide a real competitive advantage in our supply chain by expanding our internal composite capabilities.”

The new site, located 20 miles from Boeing’s fabrication and assembly site in Salt Lake City, was purchased from Masco (NYSE: MAS). Terms of the sale were not disclosed. The close proximity of the two facilities will help improve the efficiency from component fabrication to assembly of the 787-9 horizontal stabilizer.

The composite component fabrication facility is expected to create approximately 100 new jobs. “Hiring will begin immediately,” said Craig Trewet, director of Boeing Salt Lake. “We’ll begin by hiring project managers and engineers and will then be filling production positions over the next several quarters.”
Boeing expects to refurbish the 850,000 square foot building to complement the company’s current operations in Salt Lake County. Sitts & Hill will design the space inside the building’s factory area. Design and construction are expected to take two years.

When finalized, the facility will provide the Boeing Salt Lake team with the flexibility to meet the demands of the highly competitive markets that Boeing serves. This further demonstrates Boeing’s commitment to the state of Utah and to the company’s current and future workforce.

“Boeing appreciates its continued relationship with the state of Utah and we are looking forward to creating a new partnership with the city of West Jordan,” Trewet said.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.

Unmanned Helicopter by Boeing

The Unmanned Little Bird H-6U is neither your average rotorcraft nor your average unmanned airborne system (UAS). Unlike a traditional helicopter, it can fly without a pilot in the cockpit. And, contrary to its name, Unmanned Little Bird can be flown either fully or partially manned, making it an ideal platform to train users and flight-test UAS technologies.

But Unmanned Little Bird’s versatility doesn’t end there. Having already performed unmanned land-based missions, including cargo and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, the H-6U took to the sea in 2012. During demonstrations off the coasts of the United States and France, Unmanned Little Bird conducted multiple autonomous takeoffs and landings from moving ships.

“It is one thing to land a UAV on a helipad compensating for winds, but it’s a whole other level when you also have translational and rotational motion of the ship deck to address,” said Dino Cerchie, Boeing Unmanned Little Bird program manager.

Following the sea demonstrations, Boeing has continued to prove the flexibility of Unmanned Little Bird. In December, the aircraft flew an autonomous land-based flight for the Republic of Korea Army to show how unmanned aircraft technology can be integrated onto that force’s MD 500 helicopters.

“The need for unmanned vertical-takeoff-and-landing capabilities is growing quickly across the globe, and the requirements vary widely,” said Eric Mathewson, director of Business Development for Unmanned Airborne Systems. “Unmanned Little Bird is performing flawlessly, showing it can provide affordable, reliable capabilities to meet warfighters’ many mission needs.”

Velocity V-Twin is designed to be different No-spin twin

Velocity V-Twin is designed to be different

By Dave Hirschman
It’s the nightmare scenario every multiengine pilot is taught to avoid.
The critical engine has lost power, and the propeller windmills uselessly in the breeze. The good engine is pounding out full power, creating maximum asymmetric thrust. And the nose is held high above the horizon as airspeed rapidly decays.

This is the prelude to a loss of control in most twins—but Velocity Aircraft’s new V-Twin is designed to be different.

“Keep pulling the stick all the way back and hold it there,” says Velocity Aircraft Chief Pilot John Abraham, knowing that the advice he’s giving goes against everything pilots are taught in multiengine training. As the V-Twin slows below blue line, the wing on the side of the dead engine gets noticeably heavier, but opposite aileron and rudder keep the airplane from turning in that direction. Finally we reach stall speed. Most conventional twins would perform an involuntary roll toward the dead engine at this point, but not the V-Twin.

As I hold full aft stick, the canard stalls; the nose drops about 15 degrees below the horizon; airspeed increases; the nose slides toward the dead engine, then rises above the horizon again, and the canard stalls a second time. The cycle repeats itself several times before I pull both throttles back to idle and continue holding full aft stick. Now, the V-Twin’s nose nods and bobs like a bored college student at an after-lunch chemistry lecture as the airplane flies straight ahead in a long, sine-wave descent. The lazy, up-down oscillations make the V-Twin feel like a rocking chair.

Since the canard’s angle of incidence is 3.5 degrees greater than that of the swept wings (and share the same airfoil), the canard stalls before the wings reach their critical angle of attack. Despite the canard’s repeated stalls, airflow over the wings remains smooth and uninterrupted.

Also, the V-Twin’s engines and (normally rotating) pusher props are mounted close together so the thrust lines aren’t as far apart as a conventional twin’s. The design feature reduces asymmetric thrust and helps lower the minimum controllable airspeed well below the airplane’s stall speed.

As soon as I relax back pressure on the stick to lower the angle of attack, the V-Twin resumes normal flight. With the addition of cruise power, the airplane’s stable, well-balanced control characteristics return.
“No one has ever brought an economical twin to market that’s incapable of spinning,” said Abraham, who performed the first flight of the V-Twin in March 2012. “That’s a big part of what makes this airplane so unique.”

Velocity Aircraft was founded in 1985 and built a popular line of four-seat, single-engine kit airplanes modeled after the Burt Rutan-designed two-seat Long-EZ. Duane Swing designed and built a retractable landing gear system for the Velocity, and in 1992, he and son, Scott, bought the company.

The genesis of the V-Twin took place more than 10 years ago when Duane produced a wooden model of a twin-engine design and brought it to the Sun ’n Fun Fly-In in 2002. More than 100 people expressed interest in the airplane that resembled a piston version of the Beech Starship, and signed up for a newsletter to stay abreast of developments. But Swing waited until late 2011 to actually produce the V-Twin, and he went ahead for one overarching reason: His wife Bonnie was extremely reluctant to fly in any single-engine airplane.

“I’ve owned many multiengine airplanes over the years,” said Swing, 75. “I’ve had five Twin Comanches, and they were always good, economical airplanes that we enjoyed traveling in. But the idea of flying IFR and at night in a single-engine airplane was getting lower and lower on my wife’s priority list. So in our family, like lots of others, the wife dictates what kind of airplane we end up flying.”

The prototype, N91VT, flew for the first time in March 2012, a few days before the Sun ’n Fun Fly-In where it made its first public appearance. Unlike other high-profile new product introductions, the V-Twin just appeared without any drumroll or PR fanfare.

In a quest for low operating and maintenance costs, Swing chose 160-horsepower Lycoming IO-320 engines for the V-Twin. He selected a full-feathering, wood-core MT propellers for their light weight, and the fact that the 3-blade design provides sufficient ground clearance.

The V-Twin is identical in most aspects to the top-selling singel engine Velocity XL. The fuselage, wings, and landing gear are all identical. But the V-Twin has a single tail and conventional rudders instead of wingtip strakes (that operate independently) for yaw control, slightly larger fuel tanks (100 gallons instead of 90), and center-mounted engine and prop controls and side sticks. The V-Twin weighs about 2,000 pounds empty and gross weight is set at 3,200 pounds.

The fuel system is comprised of two wing tanks that gravity feed a single header tank, and the header tank supplies fuel to both engines. The two main tanks are plumbed together so that fuel levels remain balanced automatically in flight.

The prototype’s panel is comprised of a two-box PFD/MFD suite by MGL Avionics, although customers can set up their panels in a seemingly endless variety of configurations and use the avionics manufacturer of their choice. The side-stick controllers, center-mounted throttle quadrant, and conventional rudder pedals give the cockpit a clean, comfortable, thoroughly modern feel. The retractable landing gear is electro-hydraulic with a speed sensor (instead of a squat switch) that allows it to be operated above 70 KIAS. Double-puck Cleveland brakes provide the stopping power.

velocity v-twin front
Two top-hinged gull-wing doors provide easy access to the spacious V-Twin cockpit. Seats are right about hip height, so getting into the sliding front seats is as easy as sliding into a car. Engine start is standard for fuel-injected Lycomings, and the only part that seems slightly odd is the inability of the pilot to see the right-engine propeller.

The MGL Avionics suite provides digital readouts for engine performance, and the pilot synchs the props using the electronic rpm information. Visibility on the ground and in flight is very good with wrap-around glass. The only blind spot for the pilot is at the door intersections at about the 10- and two-o’clock positions.
Taxiing is done with differential throttle and braking, and the nosewheel is free castering with a shimmy damper.

We’re carrying two FAA-standard sized adults in the front seats and about 65 gallons of fuel on this demo/photo flight on an 85-degree Fahrenheit day near sea level. Engine run-up is standard, and we’re soon cleared for takeoff. I hold the brakes and power up the engines well into the governing range. Initial acceleration is brisk, and the rudder is almost instantly effective. After a ground roll of about 1,800 feet, I rotate at 80 KIAS and the nosewheel comes off the pavement obediently, followed about two seconds later by the mains. There’s no extra drag during landing gear retraction, so the airplane accelerates smoothly during the approximately five seconds it takes for the gear to tuck up.

I pitch for 104 KIAS (blue line) and the VSI indicates a climb rate of 2,500 fpm. Once clear of the airport traffic pattern, I settle into a cruise climb behind the Bonanza A36 photo ship at 120 KIAS climbing at 1,000 fpm.

Abraham says the normally aspirated engines give the best cruise performance between 8,000 and 12,000 feet. At 10,000 feet, full throttles, and 20 inches of manifold pressure at 2,500 rpm typically yield 170 KTAS and a total fuel burn of 12 gph. On the 800-nm flight from the Velocity factory in Sebastian, Florida, to AOPA headquarters in Frederick, Maryland, the V-Twin flew at 11,000 feet and covered the distance in four hours, 20 minutes while consuming less than 50 gallons of fuel. Abraham said he’s flown the airplane more than 1,100 miles nonstop and landed with 2.5 hours of fuel in reserve.
velocity v-twin panel
The V-Twin doesn’t have flaps or speed brakes, but flattening out the prop pitch allows the airplane to make steep approaches without gaining excessive speed. Abraham sets up a high approach to Frederick Municipal Airport’s Runway 23. On a two-mile final at 2,500 feet agl, he slows to 100 KIAS, lowers the landing gear (two green lights mean the nose and main landing gear are down) and allows the V-Twin to descend at 2,000 fpm. Once he intercepts the normal glideslope, he adds power to arrest the rapid rate of descent and flies the last half mile at 90 KIAS.

Unlike conventional airplanes in which the tail is in the propeller’s slipstream, the V-Twin’s canard gets no assist from prop blast. The mains roll on, and Abraham wipes off the remaining power as he brings the nose wheel to the ground. Moderate braking brings the V-Twin to a stop after a ground roll of about 1,800 feet.
At a time when the market for piston twins seems all but dead, it’s surprising to see a new airplane that brings such promise to the moribund category. But the V-Twin is difficult to categorize because it so convincingly and directly confronts the reasons for the piston twins’ demise. It won’t stall and spin; it can climb on one engine at full gross weight; it has a single-engine service ceiling that’s taller than all but the highest mountains in the continental United States; Its speed and cost per mile are exceptional; and with proven engines and props, and by being part of the Experimental category, its maintenance costs should be far lower than a Standard-category twin—and its insurance costs should be lower, too.

Still, the V-Twin isn’t inexpensive. The kit alone costs $110,000, and that doesn’t include engines, props, or instruments. And then there’s the matter of actually building it—a prospect that relatively few of the people capable of buying and flying the airplane are likely to relish.

Swing says that for these and other reasons he’s considering seeking certification for the V-Twin—and investors have queried him about getting certification overseas and then applying for FAA approval through reciprocal agreements. But for now, Swing says he’s content to have built what he considers to be an extremely safe, economical twin that far outperforms the Twin Comanches he used to own—and one that his wife will happily travel in.

“I wanted our airplane to solve the problems inherent in twins, and I think the V-Twin does that,” he said. “Our airplane doesn’t spin, and its operating, maintenance, and insurance costs should be far lower than other multiengine airplanes. If there’s a market for it, that’s great,” he said. “If not, it’s still the airplane that I want to own and fly.”

Friday, 1 February 2013

Carter Aviation Technologies, LLC is an aerospace research and development firm that has developed and demonstrated new and improved aviation concepts, including its Slowed-Rotor/Compound (“SR/C™”) Technology. SR/C™ Technology couples the speed, range and efficiency of an airplane with the vertical takeoff and landing (“VTOL”) capability of a helicopter and is scalable in size from very small unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAVs”) to large transport aircraft the size of a Boeing 767 equivalent.
Carter Aviation Technologies, LLC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Carter Aerospace Development, LLC, are comprised of first rate managers, advisors, and employees. These companies seek out and accept only the best and believe a select team of motivated, high-value individuals will, in every instance, prove more productive than any number of individuals who give less than their all and are otherwise unwilling to give that second, third, or fourth effort where needed. This belief, and our adherence to it, is a key to our ongoing success.


Carter Aviation Technologies, LLC (Carter) is a research and development firm dedicated to the creation of practical, advanced technology innovations in hybrid aircraft and rotorcraft. These innovations will span all aspects of design, including, but not limited to, rotors, landing gear, control systems, and pressurization systems. Our products, consisting of intellectual property, shall be protected by whatever means are most appropriate for a given design innovation, whether it be patent, trade secret, contract, or a combination of the above.
As an R&D firm, Carter does not intend to become a manufacturer. We will license our intellectual property to existing aerospace firms and derive revenues from licensing fees and royalties.
In terms of labor force, Carter does not intend to become a large firm. We envision a core group of up to ten very gifted, creative design engineers, supported by a staff of engineers, draftsmen and office support personnel numbering an additional thirty to forty people. This shall comprise our core product development group.
To develop and prove our concepts, Carter will constantly build and test new prototypes. The team of machinists, composite specialists, and all other members of the prototyping team shall be chosen with equal care, and work very closely with the design group to insure that the designs are practical, reliable, and efficient. Experience has taught us that the people closest to the machines, i.e. the people building the prototypes, often have a superb feeling for what works and what doesn’t. It is critical to include the prototypers in the overall design process.
In sum, our most valuable assets are our people. We are dedicated to the concept that a small team of very creative, gifted, and motivated people working together in a cooperative, synergistic atmosphere can outperform legions of average workers.

CarterGyro Demonstrator / Trainer

The CarterGyro Demonstrator Trainer (CGD/T) is a heavily modified butterfly autogyro, being used as a platform to test and demonstrate Carter technologies.
To enable jump takeoffs, the aircraft has been modified with the Carter propeller & the two-setting Carter prop pitch control mechanism, the Carter designed mechanical pre-rotator, and the Carter rotor with automatic mechanical pitch control. For improved safety on landing, the aircraft now has the Carter smart strut on a Carter designed main gear, and a slightly modified commercially available nose gear with more stroke and a larger tire than the original nose gear.
In the current configuration, the CGD/T will fly straight and level as slow as around 20 mph airspeed, can perform zero-roll landings, and can jump over 150 feet straight into the air.

CarterCopter Technology Demonstrator
The CarterCopter Technology Demonstrator was our first prototype. The historic µ-1 flight was the culmination of more than 12 years of research and development, during which time the aircraft underwent many developmental changes. We learned many valuable lessons about what is needed for an aircraft capable of high μ flight. According to Jay Carter, “This [reaching μ-1] has been our goal since we first began flight-testing in 1998. To prove our technology we needed to do something that no one else had ever done. We have had several setbacks, but no one on the team ever lost faith.
At 7:40 AM on June 17, 2005, while flight-testing for a U.S. Army contract out of Olney Airport in Texas, the CarterCopter reached μ-1 (Mu-1). This is the first time in history that any rotorcraft has reached μ-1. The condition was achieved during normal flight-testing while collecting data on a newly developed speed controller for the rotor. The milestone attempt was not planned but evolved as flight-testing proved the rotor to be very stable as the rpm was decreased. Test pilot, Larry Neal, was decreasing rotor rpm in small increments when he neared μ-1. With all systems stable the decision was made to proceed to μ-1. Data from the flight shows that the airspeed was 170 mph and the rotor was slowed to 107 rpm giving a μ value of 1. Previously, the lowest rotor speed achieved was 115 rpm. The μ-1 flight time was just 1.5 seconds before Neal reduced the throttle to slow the aircraft, but the aircraft was operated continuously above μ 0.9 for over 20 seconds, and the high μ flight was accomplished without incident. The pilots commented that the aircraft was so smooth that there was no vibration or noise to indicate that they were in a rotary wing aircraft, let alone one flying at 170 mph with the rotor slowed to 107 rpm.

Some of the notable accomplishments from the flight testing program include:
  • First and only aircraft to achieve μ-1
  • L/D of 7 @ 170 mph – twice as efficient as best pure (non compound) helicopters
  • 150+ flying hours
  • 1000+ takeoffs and landings
  • Demonstration of zero roll takeoffs & landings
  • 10,000 ft altitude
  • 173 mph

2+2 Place Personal Air Vehicle & UAV


The 4-Place PAV is Carter’s current prototype. The configuration currently being tested has a 45’ diameter rotor and wingspan, with a 350 HP turbocharged Lycoming IO-540 engine. The design is for a 2500 lb empty weight capable of jump takeoffs up to 4000 lbs, and rolling takeoffs at a max gross weight of 5000 lbs. The Proof of Concept demonstrator (POC) is flying at a test weight of 3800 lbs. The design is predicted to be capable of 204 mph at full power at 7,500 ft, 214 mph at 12,500 ft or 245 mph at 25,000 ft. The POC has successfully demonstrated the vehicle’s jump takeoff capability, and is currently involved in flight testing to expand the high speed envelope.
The design is very versatile, with several variants around the same basic airframe, maintaining as many common parts as practical. A 200 HP diesel version will have an estimated empty weight of 1800 lbs, and a max gross weight of 3000 lbs. Larger versions will use the same 45-ft rotor and wingspan as being used on the current demonstrator. With a 1200 HP gas turbine engine, the aircraft will have an expected empty weight of 2500 lbs, and be capable jump takeoffs up to a maximum of 5000 lbs, with a 300 mph cruise speed. For all versions, the aircraft will be capable of both vertical take-offs and short rolling takeoffs, as appropriate based on the density altitude, gross weight, and available horsepower.
Impact of SR/C™ Technology
At its core, SR/C™ Technology represents the simple yet elegant hybridization of airplanes and rotorcraft through remarkable innovations in engineering design. The extraordinary performance capabilities of this technology (1) have been developed and honed over nearly twenty (20) years, (2) have been independently verified by NASA, the U.S. Army, and the nation’s top Center for Rotorcraft Excellence at the Georgia Institute of Technology, (3) were first demonstrated by the CarterCopter Technology Demonstrator (the “CCTD”), and (4) are being demonstrated by theSR/C™ 4-Place Personal Air Vehicle / Proof-of-Concept demonstrator (the “POC”). While performance testing of the POC remains ongoing – for the purpose of expanding the high-speed envelope – these two prototypes have proven the ability of SR/C™ aircraft to outperform the speed, range, service ceiling, and efficiency of any rotorcraft (or other VTOL aircraft), while retaining their VTOL capability.Among other things, aircraft incorporating SR/C™ Technology:
  • offer cruise speeds from 100 knots at low altitudes to 450 knots at 40,000 feet;
  • have the ability to operate without runways at low cost, which will revolutionize regional civilian air transportation;
  • are the only aircraft capable of transporting large payloads over long ranges to sites requiring VTOL, where local fuel is either very expensive or unavailable; and
  • are inherently safe and capable of flight even if all electronic systems fail, and, in the event of fuel exhaustion, normal landings remain possible.
In no uncertain terms, this game-changing technology is fully capable – and on the brink – of emerging and taking hold in both the fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter markets.
As SR/C™ Technology pertains to the fixed-wing aircraft market:

SR/C™ aircraft are essentially fixed-wing aircraft; the difference being that SR/C™ aircraft utilize a very simple rotor as an extremely efficient high-lift device for vertical through intermediate-speed flight. As speed increases, more and more of the weight of the aircraft is transferred from the rotor to the wing. At cruise speed, the rotor is slowed to the slowest safe rpm to decrease the rotational drag. During high-speed flight, we are able to make the rotor all but disappear (from a drag standpoint) by slowing it down. In order to do this, Carter Aviation has identified and overcome no less than nine (9) technical issues – each of which has to be addressed before the rotor can be safely slowed and advance ratios (Mu) of 0.75 – and well beyond – can be achieved. These innovations comprise a significant portion ofour patent portfolio.
Since the wing of an SR/C™ aircraft is sized for efficient cruise, the wing area can be much smaller than that of a comparably-sized fixed-wing aircraft. The result is substantially increased efficiency, range, speed, and service ceiling (conservatively up to 25,000 feet, and more like 35,000 feet, with the current prototype and up to 45,000 feet with a follow-on SR/C™ 6-9 Place Business Aircraft).
Thus, incorporation of SR/C™ Technology affords aircraft the ability to retain the speed, range and efficiency of a fixed-wing aircraft, but with the added benefit of VTOL.

As SR/C™ Technology pertains to the helicopter market:
SR/C™ aircraft are fully capable of satisfying the requirements of the vast majority of helicopter missions, without the added cost, complexity and weight inextricably intertwined with systems having full hover capability, e.g., heavy gearbox, complicated heavy rotor-head / swash plate system and counter-torque device. This is because the extreme inertia that can be stored in the rotor allows SR/C™ aircraft to hover for approximately ten seconds based on the maximum in flight rpm and fifteen seconds based on maximum takeoff rpm. (By using stored rotor inertia to drive the rotor, the need to counter the torque associated with extended hover is eliminated.)
Put into the context of offshore operations, the ability to hover for ten seconds will allow SR/C™ aircraft to make safe approaches / landings on oil rigs and ships. The ability to land on floating structures is further facilitated by Carter Aviation’s patented lightweight extreme energy absorbing landing gear. The configuration used on our current prototype is capable of absorbing a twenty feet per second landing. On the right is a video containing footage showcasing the capabilities of Carter Aviation’s landing gear system. With minor exception (such as search-and-rescue and logging operations), SR/C™ aircraft are well-suited to serve the market currently served by conventional helicopters. SR/C™ aircraft with limited hover are even more appealing because of the fact that they can be lighter and have more than twice the speed and three times the range of a comparably-sized conventional helicopter.
And, minor modifications (e.g., the addition of a small efficient wing, horizontal stabilizer and propeller – the use of twin propellers would eliminate the need for a tail rotor altogether) to helicopter designs will permit the retention of full hover capability, but with the added benefit of efficiencies and speeds approaching those of fixed-wing aircraft.

Technical Issues Relative to High-μ Rotor Flight (μ>0.6)

Nine key technical issues had to be understood before a SR/C™ aircraft could fly at high-μ ratios. A blade element spreadsheet program developed by Carter and Carter’s X-Plane based flight simulator were the two primary analytical tools used to understand these issues well enough for the CarterCopter to exceed the μ-1 ratio on 17 June 2005. The research into these and other SR/C™ technologies has resulted in 21 patents. These nine issues are as follows.
1. Flapping/excessive coning due to low centrifugal force and lift on the advancing blade
at high forward speeds (μ >0.6 to~5):
The worst case predicts a ½ rev flapping/coning when the blade is at 1:30 o’clock (45º). The max possible forward speed before this flapping divergence can occur is a function of density altitude, tip weight, blade area, forward speed, and rotor RPM. There are at least three ways to control this divergence. 1) Extra mass in the blade tips to maintain adequate centrifugal force. 2) A high degree of pitch cone coupling such that as the blade cones up say 2º, the blade pitch is reduced by 2º-4º. 3) With a stiff blade and a flapping lock-out mechanism.
Carter SR/C™ aircraft use a combination of the first two. In the 1950s, the McDonnell XV-1 was able to achieve μ-0.95 by using a combination of the last two. However, the increased structure needed to stiffen the XV-1 blades is generally much heavier than the Carter approach of adding weight to the tip. Pitch cone coupling is used to reduce vertical gusts loads in the same way it is used on helicopters, by reducing the blade pitch when there is a positive “G” load and increasing blade pitch when there is a negative “G” load. On SR/C™ aircraft, it also reduces the flapping at μ values greater than 0.8 because as the advancing blade flaps up due to increased lift, the blade coning will also increase, which pitches the leading edge of the blades down. This decreases the lift on the advancing blade, but increases the lift on the retreating blade because the airflow is now flowing from the trailing edge to the leading edge and has in effect increased the pitch of the retreating blade – thus reducing flapping.
2. Flapping due to unbalance in lift between the advancing and retreating blade
at high-μ (>0.6 to ~ 5):
Figure 1. 45′ Diameter High μ Rotor Flight Tested on CarterCopter
Flapping automatically balances the lift between the advancing and retreating blades whether the air flows from the leading edge to trailing edge or the trailing edge to leading edge. The worst condition for flapping, called critical-μ, occurs ~ μ-0.75 when the retreating blade has the lowest average airflow velocity and therefore the least ability to produce lift. As μ increases above ~ 0.75, flapping for a given rotor lift will decrease. Flapping can be controlled with the use of rotor collective. Increasing collective will increase flapping while decreasing collective will reduce flapping. The procedure can be automated. Carter’s analysis program predicts that at 400 mph and μ-4, a SR/C™ aircraft could encounter a vertical gust of 50 ft/sec without the flapping becoming excessive. If the flapping should go too high or increase too rapidly due to a gust or a high rotor loading, the rotor would automatically go to negative pitch, thus rapidly decreasing lift and flapping.
3. Blade flutter/divergence on retreating blade:
Instability on the retreating rotor blade can be caused by reverse airflow shifting the blade’s aerodynamic center from the ¼ chord line to the ¾ chord line. The blades on a Carter rotor are tied together by a carbon spar. Up to a certain μ-ratio the advancing blade is more stable than the retreating blade is unstable. The stability sum of both blades can be inherently stable through μ ~ 1.4 given a certain blade planform and weight distribution, such as that shown in figure 1 above. Blade instability is manifested by the rotor going out-of-track, with the divergence increasing or decreasing with an increase or decrease in airspeed. It is not a sudden divergence, but increases rapidly in a linear fashion, thus providing the pilot sufficient time to take corrective action. This blade instability can be controlled by a control system that is very stiff, or by over mass balancing the blades, or even by a combination of both to provide the best combination of load and weight reduction. At some μ greater than 1.4, the reverse airflow velocity over the retreating blade causes the stability sum of both blades to go negative and unstable, making it necessary to have a stiff boosted cyclic and collective control. An automatic, mechanical collective pitch control (no pilot input) varies the blade pitch from jump takeoff (max pitch), through high-μ flight (min. pitch) and back to the pitch required for a near vertical zero roll landing. The pitch controller also removes any linkage deadband when the rotor is at high-μ and a stiff connection between the advancing and retreating blade is required.
Note1  Most helicopter rotors go unstable at a very low μ-ratio and as a result, boosted controls are required on even small helicopters. Carter’s stable rotor system does not require boosted controls on SR/C™ aircraft less than 4,000 lbs gross weight until some value above μ – 1 is reached (μ ~ 1.4 based on Carter’s calculations).
Note2  The Delta-tip design shown in figure 1 (above) allows the weight/dynamic center of gravity (DCG) to be placed as far forward in front of the blade aerodynamic center (AC) as possible while the trailing edge extension also increases this distance by moving the AC aft. The further the DCG is in front of the AC, the greater the blade stability. Weight placed at the tip increases its stored energy efficiency. The 45º slope on the delta tip significantly reduces the rotor drag at high tip-speeds and/or aircraft forward speeds.
4. Rotor diving force sensitivity at high speeds where the rotor is mostly unloaded – the rotor plane of rotation less than 5º off air-stream:
Following a zero-roll takeoff, an infinitely variable rotor RPM is achieved by tilting the rotor aft as the aircraft speed increases until the rotor is driven via autorotation, wherein the rotor RPM and lift is controlled by the amount of air flowing through the rotor disk. Once the rotor is in autorotation and the aircraft speeds up and the wings provide more of the lift, the rotor lift and RPM are reduced by tilting the rotor forward. This reduces the angle “alpha” between the rotor plane of rotation and the air stream, and reduces the flow of air through the rotor and its driving force with a resulting reduction in rotor RPM and lift. As the rotor RPM slows and the forward airspeed increases (increased μ-ratio), alpha becomes small, so that a slight change in alpha results in a large percent change in air flow (driving force) and rotor RPM. A spindle trim tilts the rotor spindle/rotor plane of rotation relative to the control stick and horizontal stabilizer position, allowing the rotor angle to be trimmed/adjusted to maintain the desired RPM. The high rotor inertia helps stabilize the RPM and makes the rotor easier to control.
5. Control response at slowed rotor RPM:
As the rotor RPM is reduced, the rotor control response and the aircraft maneuverability are reduced. When fast control responses are critical, the RPM controller will be directed to hold a higher RPM with a corresponding reduction in aircraft efficiency. Normally the lowest rotor RPM is used during high speed, high altitude, long range cruise when efficiency is most important and fast control response is not required or desirable, due to the near max lift condition required for best wing efficiency and the wing’s potential to stall with a fast control response.
6. Tilting the mast to control rotorcraft pitch and rotor RPM:
A long tilting mast as shown in Figure 2 can move the rotor center of lift fore and aft relative to the aircraft CG, which causes the aircraft to pitch up or down. As long as the rotor is providing a significant part of the aircraft’s lift, a rearward movement of the mast will lower the aircraft’s nose while a forward movement will raise the nose. During this period of significant rotor lift, the tilting mast can hold aircraft pitch as needed to keep the wings at their most efficient L/D, greatly improving the aircraft’s efficiency and performance. Once the wings are providing most of the lift and control, the tilting mast controls the rotor RPM by tilting the rotor plane of rotation relative to the airstream. Tilting the rotor aft increases airflow through the rotor and the RPM increases. Tilting the rotor forward decreases the airflow and RPM.
7. Rotor operation over a wide RPM range:
Unlike helicopters, which operate over a small RPM range, rotors for SR/C™ aircraft must operate over a large RPM range; from high RPM during takeoffs and hover to very low RPM during cruise flight. The Carter rotor design enables its first in-plane natural frequency to be higher than the highest RPM the rotor will ever see. This is achieved with an I-beam shaped spar with the spar caps positioned far enough apart to provide a sufficiently high edgewise stiffness to produce the desired edgewise natural frequency. Because of the high centrifugal force generated by the mass at the tip, any flat-wise natural frequencies encountered are heavily damped such that even if a flat-wise natural frequency is encountered, there is no build-up in stresses. This feature greatly simplifies the rotor design by being able to basically ignore any build-up in stresses when operating the rotor at some flat-wise natural frequency.
8. High hub drag normally associated with rotorcraft:
Figure 2. Streamlined Hub and Tilting Mast Fairings
Historically, about 1/4 to 1/3 of the total rotorcraft aerodynamic drag can be attributed to the rotor hub. The Carter design reduces this drag over conventional helicopters by a very large factor. It is accomplished by using a twistable spar for collective, a tilting hub for cyclic, and a single pass-through 2-bladed I-beam spar which is very stiff in the edgewise direction and soft in the flat-wise direction, which further eliminates a blade coning hinge and the need for the associated lead-lag mechanisms, permitting the use of a very small, integrated, root fairing that remains nearly aligned with the air-stream during cruise flight.
9. Simplified, intuitive control between rotor and aircraft modes:
The pilot is able to control the aircraft in essentially the same manner whether he is flying in hover or slow speed mode where the rotor is providing most of the lift and control, mid-speed where the rotor and wings are each providing a significant part of the lift and the aileron and horizontal stabilizer are providing some control input, or high-speed where the rotor is unloaded and providing only 5-20% of lift and control.

Patents Granted

When Carter Aviation Technologies filed for its patent on rotorcraft flight at speeds above Mu-1 (Mu>1), no previous patents addressed the concept, which many thought was impossible or impractical. Flight above Mu-1 occurs when the rotorcraft’s forward speed is greater than the tip speed of the rotor  The ‘Gyroplane’ patent describes how to greatly slow the rotor while maintaining rotor stability. Since the patent was filed, flight above Mu-1 was convincingly demonstrated using the CarterCopter Technology Demonstrator – the patented design works. The potential is monumental.
To date, Carter Aviation Technologies has received twenty one (21) U.S. patents and one design patent. We are still always learning and working on new ideas, and currently have another several patents pending, with more ideas on the way.

Patent No. Patent Title
d381,952 Gyroplane
5,727,754 Gyroplane
5,853,145 Rotor Head for Rotary Wing Aircraft
5,865,399 Tail Boom for Aircraft
5,868,355 Fuselage Door for Pressurized Aircraft
5,944,283 Crashworthy Landing Gear Shock
5,997,250 Method and Apparatus for Controlling Pitch of an Aircraft Propeller
6,024,325 Rotor for Rotary Wing Aircraft
6,077,041 Reduction Drive and Torque-Limiting Clutch for Autogyro Aircraft
6,155,784 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller
6,405,980 Control System for Rotor Aircraft
6,435,453 High Speed Rotor Aircraft
6,474,598 Landing gear shock absorber with variable viscosity fluid
6,513,752 Hovering Autogyro Aircraft – Heliplane
6,524,068 Variable pitch aircraft propeller control with two speed transmission
6,527,515 Rotor for rotary wing aircraft
6,986,642 Extreme mu rotor
7,137,591 Tilting mast in a rotorcraft
7,448,571 Rotor Collective Pitch vs. Mu to Control Flapping and Mast/Rotor Tilt to Control Rotor RPM
7,490,792 Aircraft with Rotor Vibration Isolation
7,510,377 Rotor Aircraft Tilting Hub with Reduced Drag Rotor Head and Mast
7,677,492 Automatic Mechanical Control of Rotor Blade Pitch

Important features provided by these patents include:

  • A very high inertia rotor blade with a twistable composite “I” beam-shaped spar with a high edgewise stiffness extending from blade tip to blade tip for the purpose of making vertical take-offs and landings utilizing the rotor inertia, and for rotor stability at high Mu ratios (forward speed to rotor tip speed ratios greater than 1). Pat. #5,727,754 and Pat. #6,024,325.
  • A simple means of controlling rotor rpm at high rotor advance ratios. Pat. #5,727,754.
  • A simple means of providing rotor stability at high rotor advance ratios in gusty winds and turbulent conditions. Pat. #5,727,754.
  • A simple means of maintaining a nearly constant rotor rpm over varying aircraft speeds and aircraft pitch angles at high rotor advance ratios. Pat. #5,727,754.
  • A simple single control means by which the pilot can control aircraft pitch and roll whether the aircraft is supported mainly by the rotor or the wing or any combination thereof. Pat. #5,727,754.
  • A simple rotor disc angle control using a tilting spindle whereby the spindle tilting axis can be located on or near the rotor center of lift to provide the desired pilot stick control forces regardless of loads to the rotor. Pat. #5,727,754 and Pat. #5,853,145.
  • A free moving rotor head in the fore, aft and lateral directions to reduce the effect of oscillating loads of a rotating rotor on the main frame and a rotor tilt linkage geometry that prevents the rotor tilt angle from changing as the rotor mast moves. Pat. #5,853,145.
  • A control system that automatically tells the pilot when the aircraft is close to or at the speed necessary for its best lift to drag ratio regardless of weight or altitude. Pat. #5,727,754.
  • A lightweight propeller, flexible in the flatwise direction to reduce gyroscopic loads on the hub/shaft and a torsionally soft composite “I” beam prop spar which can be twisted inside a hollow blade to change the prop pitch without the need of a spindle, hub, or bearings. Pat. #6,155,784.
  • A variable pitch prop controlled by a computer utilizing feedback information on airspeed, prop rpm, air density, shaft hp, and prop position to position/hold the pitch/rpm for peak efficiency over a very wide range of operating conditions – static thrust at sea level to 400+ mph @ 45,000+ feet altitude. Pat. #5,997,250.
  • A simple lightweight rotor prerotator and torque limiting disengaging clutch. Pat. #6,077,041.
  • A landing gear system that extends and retracts, dampens oscillations, and provides extreme energy absorption capability in conjunction with a load limiting device to assure maximum energy absorption during a crash landing before the landing gear fails. The landing gear can also raise or lower while on the ground to facilitate loading and unloading. Pat. #5,944,283.
  • A fuselage door for a pressurized aircraft fuselage in which tension loads caused by cabin pressure are carried through the door jam and door rather than around the door. Only cabin pressure is required to hold the door in place. Pat. #5,868,355.
  • A tail boom design in which the booms extend below the prop tip so a wheels up landing can be made without damage to the prop. Pat. #5,865,399.
  • An improved rotor stability control to further reduce rotor flapping at rotor advance ratios (Mu) greater than 0.75. Patent # 6,405,980
  • An improved energy absorbing landing gear design using a controllable, variable viscosity fluid. Pat. # 6,474,598
  • An improved rotor design that reduces the force required to change both cyclic and collective pitch. Pat. #6,527,515
  • An improved prop controller that utilizes a two speed automatic transmission to significantly improve engine/prop efficiency and thrust at very high forward speeds. Pat. # 6,524,068
  • A heliplane design that uses two propellers capable of reverse thrust to counter rotor torque while in hover and providing very efficient forward thrust for high speed flight. When rotor is in autorotation, unloaded, and slowed down for low drag, the heliplane operates as a very efficient fixed wing aircraft. Pat.# 6,513,752
  • Trademark:

No. 1 in the World AutoGyro ?

17.01.2013 15:45 Uhr : New AutoGyro partner gets registration!

We have a new sales partner in Slovenia, who starts directly with a great success. Without taking detours, he already received the official registration for the Calidus in Slovenia and promised that the MTOsport will follow soon. We are very happy about this very dedicated and successful new member in our global AutoGyro family and give Boštjan and his team a warm welcome! From now on, you will find all contact data of AutoGyro Slovenia in the list of our sales partners and will be able to reach them there. We are looking forward to our nice future projects in Slovenia!   

16.01.2013 12:57 Uhr : Gyros permitted in Belgium

As our French partner Stéphane Kübler informs, the regulations for gyroplanes in Belgium will change. Where it wasn’t even permitted to fly across Belgium in former times, the authorities have now loosend the limitations and have officially allowed flying as well as landing inside the country. About 20 gyro pilots, most of them flying with a french registration, have met in Brussels last weekend and teamed up for heading the authorities. Their goal is deciding about the possibilities and neccessities of how to officially register gyroplanes in Belgium, offering training and enable the pilots   

14.01.2013 11:21 Uhr : Fire Fighter Gyro in Costa Rica

Last year, we reported about our partner in Costa Rica having had the most important flight guest of his life: The President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, chaught attention of the gyro, which was parked on the same airfield as her own aircraft. Without hesitating, she detached from her group of security and crew and approached Guido Scheidt and his MTOsport. This lady is really not making any compromise and got in the gyroplane just a couple of minutes later, in order to experience its possibilities herself during a test flight. Today it is decided: the President of Costa Rica is going to  

10.01.2013 10:09 Uhr : Flight to Greenland

Our Danish partner Mikkel Palmbo has chosen an especcially beautiful landscape for his gyro tour. He flew to Greenland and was able to enjoy the impressing scenery and nature from up above. For us, he made a video giving us the possibility to fly with him for a while and telling us about his experience with the Calidus. Have fun watching it!      

09.01.2013 11:56 Uhr : AutoGyro OnlineShop

It is available at any time, clearly arranged and perfectly sorted – the new AutoGyro OnlineShop is now active! On you may find all spare parts and products which are available for you for and of our gyroplanes. Illustrated and catogorized, all goods can be shopped easily and comfortable at any day or night time and you can always keep the perfect overiew over your orders. Click on and get registered, in order to experience the uncomplicated way of ordering spare parts. Any spare part orders according to your individual maintenance works for your gyros, as